January 13, 2025

Health Benefit

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Health system-scale language models are all-purpose prediction engines

Health system-scale language models are all-purpose prediction engines

Table of Contents

Pretraining datasets

NYU Notes

We created this dataset of unlabelled clinical notes directly from the NYU Langone EHR. The dataset contains 387,144 patients, 7,247,694 notes and 4,112,249,482 words in total. We built NYU Notes as follows: we wrote structured query language (SQL) scripts to query the NYU Langone EHR. We first prototyped the queries with an interactive web-based editor (Cloudera Hue) and then download the query results as comma-separated files (CSVs) to NYU Langone’s high-performance computing cluster. We included notes signed by medical professionals (physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and fellows) at Tisch Hospital, NYU Langone Hospital–Brooklyn, NYU Langone Hospital–Long Island and NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital from 2011 to 2020 (inclusive). We excluded any notes that were derived from billing, labelled as invalid or empty. We split the notes into three sets, training, validation and test sets, with a ratio of 949:50:1. Lastly, we masked tokens with 15% probability to create masked text and labels.

NYU Notes–Manhattan

We created this dataset of unlabelled clinical notes as the subset of NYU Notes that were written in Tisch Hospital in Manhattan. The dataset contains 256,217 patients, 4,342,602 notes and 2,381,466,993 words in total.

NYU Notes–Brooklyn

We created this dataset of unlabelled clinical notes as the subset of NYU Notes that were written in NYU Langone Health–Brooklyn. The dataset contains 104,521 patients, 1,337,352 notes and 1,102,078,012 words in total.

Fine-tuning datasets

NYU Readmission

We created this dataset of labelled discharge notes (with binary labels for readmission) from the NYU Langone EHR. Most of the notes from this dataset are a subset of NYU Notes, with additional discharge notes from 2021 for the temporal test. The dataset contains 413,845 patients, 506,740 notes and 487,395,462 words in total. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that ended between January 2011 and November 2021, we included its discharge note with a binary label for 30-day all-cause readmission. We assigned the ‘readmitted’ label if the patient had an admission note within 30 days of being discharged. To focus on modelling acute care readmission, we excluded discharge notes from the rehabilitation, dialysis and palliative care departments because these were not acute care admissions. We split the dataset into four sets: training, validation, test and temporal test sets. The first three sets were notes from January 2011 to May 2021, with a ratio of 8:1:1. The temporal test set included notes from June to December 2021. See Extended Data Fig. 8a for a visualization of the four-way split.

NYU Readmission–Manhattan

We created this dataset of unlabelled clinical notes as the subset of notes in the NYU Readmission dataset that were written in Tisch Hospital in Manhattan. The dataset contains 240,824 patients, 296,519 notes and 253,622,053 words.

NYU Readmission–Brooklyn

We created this dataset of unlabelled clinical notes as the subset of clinical notes from the NYU Readmission dataset that were written in NYU Langone Health–Brooklyn. The dataset contains 94,653 patients, 113,275 notes and 142,767,957 words.

NYU Mortality

We created this dataset of history and physical (H&P) notes with binary labels for in-hospital mortality from the NYU Langone EHR. Most of the notes from this dataset are a subset of NYU Notes, with additional H&P notes from 2021 for the temporal test. The dataset contains 371,922 patients, 469,162 notes and 484,467,141 words in total. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that ended between January 2011 and November 2021, we included its H&P note with a binary label for in-hospital mortality. We assigned the positive label if the patient’s discharge disposition was ‘expired’. We split the dataset into four sets: training, validation, test and temporal test sets. The first three sets were notes from January 2011 to May 2021, with a ratio of 8:1:1, and the temporal test set included notes from June to December 2021.

NYU Binned Comorbidity

We created this dataset of H&P notes with five class labels for hospital LOS from the NYU Langone EHR. Most of the notes from this dataset were a subset of NYU Notes, with additional H&P notes from 2021 for the temporal test. The dataset contains 327,039 patients, 403,579 notes and 422,485,417 words in total. The dataset contains fewer labelled encounters than the NYU Mortality and NYU Binned LOS datasets because 22% of the encounters had no International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes to calculate the CCI score. This missingness motivated our task of predicting binned CCI score with a lack of structured ICD codes. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that ended between January 2011 and November 2021, we included its H&P note with a five-class label for binned CCI score. To generate the labels, we first calculated the comorbidity index using the ICD codes and the scoring function in ref. 27. We then discretized the scores into five classes: we assigned label 0 for a comorbidity index below the 50% quantile (0 days), label 1 for a comorbidity index between the 50% and 75% quantile (1–2 days), label 2 for a comorbidity index between the 75% and 90% quantile (3–4 days), label 3 for a comorbidity index between the 90% and 99% quantile (4–7 days) and label 4 for a comorbidity index above the 99% quantile (>7 days). We split the dataset into four sets: training, validation, test and temporal test sets. The first three sets were notes from January 2011 to May 2021, with a ratio of 8:1:1, and the temporal test set included notes from June to December 2021.

NYU Binned LOS

We created this dataset of H&P notes with quantile labels for hospital LOS from the NYU Langone EHR. Most of the notes from this dataset were a subset of NYU Notes, with additional H&P notes from 2021 for the temporal test. The dataset contains 371,922 patients, 469,162 notes and 484,467,141 words in total. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that ended between January 2011 and November 2021, we included its H&P note with a binary label and a quantile label for LOS. For the quantile label, we assigned label 0 for an LOS below the 25% quantile (0–2 days), label 1 for an LOS between the 25% and 50% quantile (3 days), label 2 for an LOS between the 50% and 75% quantile (4–5 days) and label 3 for an LOS above the 75% quantile (>5 days). We split the dataset into four sets: training, validation, test and temporal test sets. The first three sets were notes from January 2011 to May 2021, with a ratio of 8:1:1, and the temporal test set included notes from June to December 2021.

NYU Insurance Denial

We created this dataset of H&P notes with binary labels for whether the patient’s insurance claim was initially rejected or directly approved. The dataset contains 54,563 patients, 55,791 notes and 51,270,256 words in total. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that occurred between May 1, 2021, and April 30, 2022, we included its H&P note with a binary label for insurance denial. We assigned a positive label if the patient’s insurance claim status was ‘final, adverse determination’ (claim was rejected by insurance and was again rejected following appeal) or ‘final, favorable determination’ (claim was rejected by insurance and approved following appeal). We split the dataset into four sets: training, validation, test and temporal test sets. The first three sets were notes from May 1, 2021, to February 30, 2022, with a ratio of 18:1:1. The temporal test set included notes from March 1 to April 30, 2022.

NYU Insurance Denial–Discharge Notes

We created this dataset of discharge notes with binary labels for whether the patient’s insurance claim was initially rejected or directly approved. The dataset contains 54,563 patients, 55,791 notes and 49,405,133 words in total. We built this dataset as follows: for each encounter that occurred between May 1, 2021, and April 30, 2022, we included its discharge note with a binary label for insurance denial. The label assignment and four-way split were the same as in the NYU Insurance Denial dataset.

NYU Insurance Eventual Denial, H&P

This dataset contained the same notes as the NYU Insurance Denial dataset, but the labels were different. The binary label indicated whether the patient’s insurance claim was eventually rejected (even after appeal) or was eventually approved (direct approval or approval after appeal).

NYU Insurance Eventual Denial–Discharge

This dataset contained the same notes as the NYU Insurance Denial–Discharge Notes dataset, but the labels were different. The binary label indicated whether the patient’s insurance claim was eventually rejected (even after appeal) or was eventually approved (direct approval or approval after appeal).

i2b2-2012 NER

This is an open dataset released by the Harvard Medical School as part of an annual clinical NLP challenge28. This dataset is a well-known benchmark in the clinical NLP community. The task is to identify and classify clinical concepts (for example, treatments), clinical departments (for example, surgery), occurrences of events (for example, admission) and evidentials (for example, the patient complained) from de-identified clinical notes from Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. The dataset contains no more than 310 patients, 310 notes and 636,000 words. We downloaded the dataset as a compressed tar.gz file from the n2c2 data portal after our use application was approved.

MIMIC-III Readmission

This is an open dataset for an intensive care unit (ICU) EHR released by MIT and Boston Beth Israel Medical Center29. We collected a set of 52,726 discharge notes and created a 30-day all-cause readmission label by checking whether there was any subsequent encounter within 30 days. The readmission rate was 6%. We split the data into training, validation and test sets in a 8:1:1 ratio.

Deployment dataset

NYU Readmission–Deployment

This dataset consists of discharge notes with binary labels for readmission from our deployment engine and the NYU Langone EHR. From January to April 2022, every time a discharge note was signed by a physician, the note was sent to our custom inference engine for NYUTron’s prediction. The paired discharge note and prediction were recorded in a database. The database contained 27,376 patients, 29,287 notes and 34,669,963 words by the end of the study period.

Structured datasets

NYU Readmission–LACE

We created this dataset of structured LACE30 features with binary labels for readmission for comparison against the unstructured models. The dataset contains structured features for all encounters in the NYU readmission dataset. LACE is a traditional clinical prediction rule for readmission with four features: LOS, acuity of readmission, Charlson comorbidity index, and number of recent emergency department visits in the past 6 months. We built the dataset as follows: for every encounter in the NYU Readmission dataset, we collected data on the four LACE features from the NYU Langone EHR. LOS was the difference (in days) between the discharge date and the admission date. Acuity of readmission was a binary feature indicating whether the patient was admitted to the emergency department. The comorbidity index was calculated with the ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes for chronic diseases, on the basis of the mapping algorithm in ref. 31 and the scoring function in ref. 27. The number of emergency department visits was calculated from the patient’s encounter history up to 6 months before the admission date.

NYU Readmission–LACE, Manhattan

We created this dataset of structured LACE features from the subset of notes from the NYU Readmission–LACE dataset that were written in Tisch Hospital in Manhattan.

NYU Readmission–LACE, Brooklyn

We created this dataset of structured LACE features from the subset of notes from the NYU Readmission–LACE dataset that were written in NYU Langone Health–Brooklyn.

NYU Mortality–SAPS2 + APACHE2

We created this dataset of structured SAPS2 + APACHE2 features with binary labels for in-hospital mortality to compare against the unstructured data. The dataset contains a subset of structured SAPS2 + APACHE2 features for all encounters in the NYU Mortality dataset. SAPS2 + APACHE2 features are a subset of the features used in the SAPS2 model15 and the APACHE2 model16 for ICU mortality prediction. We selected the subset of features that were available in the NYU Langone EHR. We included the following 12 features: age (numerical), mean heart rate (numerical), systolic blood pressure (numerical), atrial temperature (numerical), blood urea nitrogen concentration (numerical), sodium concentration (numerical), potassium concentration (numerical), bilirubin concentration (numerical), white blood cell count (numerical), pH (numerical), creatine concentration (numerical) and haematocrit (numerical). We additionally included department specialty (categorical). We excluded the following features owing to their unavailability: PaO2/FiO2 (ratio of arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen), whether the patient was on mechanical ventilation or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), bicarbonate concentration, urine output, Glasgow Coma Scale score, presence of metastatic cancer or haematological malignancy or AIDS, and whether the admission was scheduled.

NYU Binned LOS–Lisbon Portugal

We created this dataset of structured ‘Lisbon Portugal’ features with binary labels for in-hospital mortality to compare against the unstructured data model. The dataset contains a subset of the features used in the Lisbon Portugal dataset18 (which is widely used in the LOS prediction literature) for all encounters in the NYU Binned LOS dataset. We selected a subset of 12 features that were available in the NYU Langone EHR: gender (categorical), age as measured by the difference in years between the birth date and the admission date (numerical), highest level of education (categorical), country (categorical), postal code as address (categorical), marital status (categorical), admission type (categorical), admission service type (categorical), provider ID (categorical), department specialty (categorical), procedure name (categorical) and number of previous admissions (numerical). We left out diagnosis because it is not always available at the time of writing H&P notes. We excluded the following three features owing to difficulty in finding them in the NYU Langone EHR: homogeneous group diagnosis code, great diagnostic category and treatment.

NYU Insurance Denial–Claim Forms

We created this structured dataset based on the NYU Insurance Denial dataset for comparison against the unstructured data model. The dataset contains structured features for all encounters in the NYU Insurance Denial dataset and has the same splits as the NYU Insurance Denial dataset. Selection of structured features was based on the features in ref. 19, which built a model that predicts insurance claim denial from demographic and care-related features found in the claim form. We found eight available features in the NYU Langone EHR: patient name (categorical), age (numerical), gender (categorical), postal code as a generalization of address (categorical), insurance brand (categorical), first insurance plan name (categorical), provider ID (categorical) and provider type (categorical). We additionally added four features based on the clinician’s inputs: second insurance plan code (categorical), a binary flag for surgical cases (categorical), a binary flag for emergency department cases (categorical) and a binary flag for Medicare fee-for-service users (categorical). We left out six features in ref. 19 owing to difficulty in searching for them: the patient’s relationship to the insured person, network type, whether the claim was a resubmission, diagnosis pointer, charge of service and prior authorization number.


Pretraining datasets (NYU Notes, NYU Notes–Manhattan, NYU Notes–Brooklyn)

Using these datasets, we trained an uncased BERT wordpiece tokenizer with a vocabulary size of 50,000 tokens, a maximum sequence length of 512 tokens and special tokens [SEP], [PAD], [UNK], [MASK] and [CLS]. Because most of the clinical notes had more than 512 tokens, we split each long note into non-overlapping chunks that were under the maximum sequence length. Specifically, we split each note into sentences using natural language toolkit (nltk)32 and tokenized each sentence. For sentences that were longer than 512 tokens, we truncated them. Next, for all tokenized sentences in the same note, we concatenated them into groups such that each group had exactly the maximum sequence length. We discarded any remaining group (with a length strictly less than the maximum) of a long note.

Fine-tuning datasets (NYU Readmission, NYU Readmission–Manhattan, NYU Readmission–Brooklyn, NYU Mortality, NYU Binned LOS, NYU Insurance Denial, NYU Binned Comorbidity)

Using the tokenizer trained with NYU Notes, we first tokenized the discharge note. We truncated notes that exceeded the maximum sequence length of 512 tokens. We leave it for the future to design a language model that efficiently reads longer clinical notes (see Extended Data Fig. 8b for the impact of note length on language model performance).

i2b2-2012 NER

We first decompressed the tar.gz files into folders of xml files. We then converted the xml files to brat format. Next, we converted the brat files to bio files. Finally, we wrote a custom HuggingFace33 data loader to convert the folder of bio files into a HuggingFace dataset. Our code for preprocessing is available at GitHub.

Deployment datasets

We first cleaned the notes by stripping out html artifacts. We then tokenized the discharge note using NYUTron’s tokenizer. We truncated notes that exceeded the maximum sequence length of 512 tokens.

Structured dataset (NYU Readmission–LACE, NYU Mortality–SAPS2 + APACHE2, NYU Binned LOS–Lisbon Portugal, NYU Insurance Denial–Claim Forms)

When there was a missing numerical feature (for example, the average heart rate was NaN), we filled in the feature as the average feature across the training set. For missing categorical features (for example, the admitting department was ‘unspecified’), we left them as category ‘none’.


We pretrained a 109 million-parameter BERT model using preprocessed NYU Notes and the MLM objective for 3 weeks (96 epochs) on 24 NVIDIA A100 GPUs distributed over three compute nodes until the validation loss started to plateau. The model has 12 hidden layers with dimension 768, with 12 attention heads per layer. We used a per-device training batch size of 64 and saved every 2,000 steps. We used the Zero Redundancy AdamW optimizer (an improvement over the Adam optimizer) with a constant learning rate of 5 × 10−5, FP16 mixed precision and stage 2 parallelization34,35,36.


NYUTron + discharge notes for readmission prediction

We replaced the trained MLM classifier with a randomly initialized linear classifier after the last hidden layer of the pretrained BERT model. We fine-tuned the model end to end using the training set of the NYU Readmission dataset for ten epochs, evaluating the validation AUC every half epoch and stopping early with a patience of five. We used the following hyperparameters from manual tuning based on the validation AUC: a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a per-device batch size of 4. We optimized the cross-entropy loss using the AdamW optimizer. While varying the size of the dataset (N 102, 103, 104, 105, 3.92336 × 105), we fine-tuned the pretrained model using subsamples of the NYU Readmission dataset and evaluated their AUC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median AUC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

NYUTron + H&P notes for in-hospital mortality prediction

We replaced the trained MLM classifier with a randomly initialized linear classifier after the last hidden layer of the pretrained BERT model. We fine-tuned the model end to end using the training set of the NYU Mortality dataset for ten epochs, evaluating the validation AUC every half epoch and stopping early with a patience of 5. We used the following hyperparameters from manual tuning based on the validation AUC: a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a per-device batch size of 4. We optimized the cross-entropy loss using the AdamW optimizer. Using the full dataset, we fine-tuned the pretrained model using subsamples of the NYU Mortality dataset and evaluated their AUC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median AUC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

NYUTron + H&P notes for binned comorbidity prediction

We replaced the trained MLM classifier with a randomly initialized linear classifier after the last hidden layer of the pretrained BERT model. We fine-tuned the model end to end using the training set of the NYU Binned Comorbidity dataset for ten epochs, evaluating the validation OVR AUC every half epoch and stopping early with a patience of 5. We used the following hyperparameters from manual tuning based on the validation OVR AUC: a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a per-device batch size of 4. We optimized the cross-entropy loss using the AdamW optimizer. Using the full dataset, we fine-tuned the pretrained model with subsamples of the NYU Binned Comorbidity dataset and evaluated their OVR AUC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median OVR AUC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

NYUTron + H&P notes for binned LOS prediction

We replaced the trained MLM classifier with a randomly initialized linear classifier after the last hidden layer of the pretrained BERT model. We fine-tuned the model end to end using the training set of the NYU Binned LOS dataset for ten epochs, evaluating the validation AUC every half epoch and stopping early with a patience of 5. We used the following hyperparameters from manual tuning based on the validation OVR AUC: a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a per-device batch size of 4. We optimized the cross-entropy loss using the AdamW optimizer. Using the full dataset, we fine-tuned the pretrained model with subsamples of the NYU Binned LOS dataset and evaluated their AUC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For inference, we combined the last two classes, label 3 (90–99% quantile) and label 4 (>99% quantile) because label 4 was very sparse. For comparison, we looked at the median OVR AUC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

NYUTron + H&P notes for insurance denial prediction

We replaced the trained MLM classifier with a randomly initialized linear classifier after the last hidden layer of the pretrained BERT model. We fine-tuned the model end to end using the training set of the NYU Insurance Denial dataset for ten epochs, evaluating the validation AUC every half epoch and stopping early with a patience of 5. We used the following hyperparameters from manual tuning based on the validation AUC: a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a per-device batch size of 4. We optimized the cross-entropy loss using the AdamW optimizer. Using the full dataset, we fine-tuned the pretrained model using subsamples of the NYU Insurance Denial dataset and evaluated their AUC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median AUC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

NYUTron + clinical notes for NER

We performed the fine-tuning experiments as follows. For each LLM in Extended Data Table 2, we initialized a HuggingFace token classification model with the LLM as the pretrained checkpoint. We fine-tuned the model using i2b2-2012 NER for ten epochs using the AdamW optimizer with a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a batch size of 4, evaluating every 50 steps and stopping early on the basis of area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) with a patience of 1. This took 20 to 40 min on one node of four NVIDIA 17-GB V100 GPUs. We performed fine-tuning five times with random seeds 0, 13, 24, 36 and 42 and recorded the average and standard deviation of the micro-averaged F1 score (excluding the label for non-entity, ‘O’).

NYUTron + MIMIC-III readmission

We performed the fine-tuning experiments as follows: For both NYUTron and BioClinicalBert, we initialized a HuggingFace token classification model with the LLM as the pretrained checkpoint. We fine-tuned the model using MIMIC-III Readmission for ten epoch using the AdamW optimizer with a learning rate of 2 × 10−5, a weight decay of 0.01 and a batch size of 16, evaluating every half epoch. We performed fine-tuning five times with random seeds 0, 13, 24, 36 and 42.


The fine-tuned model was converted to a high-performance format (Onnx or TensorRT) and loaded into our deployment platform, an NVIDIA Triton inference engine that interfaces with the NYU Langone EHR through the HLA7 Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR)37 interface. For our consideration of performance, security, reliability and interpretability, see Supplementary Information section 5.

Our deployment platform consisted of a modified version of NVIDIA’s Triton Inference Server that we named NYUTriton (pronounced ‘nutrition’ because it is good for the health system). NVIDIA Triton supports GPU-, x86- and ARM CPU-based inferencing and several key features, including dynamic batching, concurrent execution, a highly flexible model specification interface, and the ability to support a wide range of deep learning frameworks and accelerated model formats for maximum throughput. We modified NVIDIA Triton to interface seamlessly with HuggingFace-formatted language models so as to provide a uniform and highly flexible crossover point between our development and production pipelines. Trained models were saved in a standard HuggingFace-style format and converted into Onnx and then TensorRT to obtain sub-millisecond-scale inference results. NYUTriton is hosted on a dedicated inference server that consists of an AMD Threadripper 3960X (24 cores, 3.8 GHz), two RTX 3090 GPUs and 128 GB of DDR5 system memory purchased from Lambda Labs.

Following the signing of discharge summaries in Epic, the HL7 FHIR interface connects with NYUTriton and sends a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) payload consisting of the discharge summary and metadata specifying the underlying readmission model and sender. NYUTriton preprocesses the text, runs an inference job with the accelerated NYUTron readmission model and returns the model’s inference result to a secondary orchestration server, which writes the result to a database and generates an email to the signing physician.

Structured baselines

The structured baselines were (1) SAPS2/APACHE2 features + XGBoost for in-hospital mortality prediction, (2) LACE features + XGBoost for readmission prediction, (3) Lisbon Portugal features + XGBoost for binned LOS prediction and (4) claim form features + XGBoost for insurance denial prediction.

For all structured baselines, we used the xgboost library to train an extreme gradient-boosted tree classifier with a binary logistic loss (multiclass softmax loss for more than two classes). We used scikit-learn’s randomized search to search hyperparameters among minimum_child_weight from 1, 5, 10, gamma from 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, subsample from 0.6, 0.8, 1, col_sample_bytree from 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, max_depth from 3, 4, 5, learning_rates from 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and n_estimators from 10, 100, 1000 for 100 iterations based on AUROC score (ovr-auroc score for multiple classes) from threefold cross-validation38. We ran each experiment five times with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For mortality, binned comorbidity, binned LOS and insurance denial, we ran the experiment with the full dataset. For readmission, we trained the model using subsamples (N 102, 103, 104, 105, 3.92336 × 105) of the NYU Readmission–LACE dataset.


We evaluated the five tasks (in-hospital mortality prediction, binned comorbidity index prediction, 30-day all-cause readmission prediction, binned LOS prediction and insurance denial prediction) with AUC for binary classes and OVR AUROC for multiple classes. AUROC is the area under the two-dimensional curve consisting of tuples of the form (TPR, FPR) resulting from different decision thresholds.

We additionally evaluated readmission prediction with the following metrics: TPR, FPR, precision, recall and F1 score, all of which have a range of [0, 1]. We evaluated NER using a micro-averaged NER F1 score. The NER F1 score is similar to the normal F1 score except that the non-entity label ‘O’ is excluded for calculation.

Baseline algorithms for retrospective study

We compared NYUTron against physicians. We worked with six physicians with different levels of seniority: three attending physicians and three residents. The physicians were asked to review discharge summaries and predict whether the described patient would come back to the hospital within 30 days.

We compared NYUTron against four other LLMs and two machine learning models. ‘random-init’ is a BERT-base uncased model with randomly initialized parameters. ‘web-wiki’ is a BERT-base uncased model that is pretrained using web text (from the BookCorpus dataset39) and Wikipedia articles (from the English Wikipedia dataset40). ‘web-wiki+bio’ is a BERT model pretrained using web text, Wikipedia articles, PubMed abstracts41 and PubMed Central (PMC) full articles42. ‘web-wiki+bio+clinical’, or gatortron-og43, is a Megatron-BERT44 model pretrained using web text, Wikipedia articles, PubMed abstracts, PMC full articles, MIMIC-III notes and de-identified clinical notes from University of Florida Health. ‘lace+xgb’ reads structured LACE features (from a traditional clinical prediction rule) with an extreme gradient-boosted tree model14. ‘tf-idf+xgb’ reads corpus-level bag-of-words features with an extreme gradient-boosted tree model. For detailed statistics and examples of the pretraining corpora, see Extended Data Table 2 and Extended Data Fig. 3.

Comparison with physicians

We randomly sampled 20 discharge notes from the random test set and asked six doctors with different seniority to predict whether the patient would come back within 30 days. The six physicians included three attending neurosurgeons, two neurosurgery residents and one ICU resident.

We used REDCap to perform the survey and gave physicians unlimited time. The survey was structured as follows: for each case, we asked “Will this person be admitted within 30 days?”, followed by the discharge summary. The physician could choose to answer “yes” or “no”. If the patient came back within 30 days, we had three follow-up questions to assess the characteristics of the subsequent readmission. First, we asked “Is this readmission related to the prior discharge?”, followed by the H&P note of the subsequent readmission. The physician could answer “yes”, “no”, “partial” or “does not meet Medicare criteria for 30-day readmission”. The second follow-up question was “Is this readmission preventable?”, to which the physician could answer “yes”, “no” or “partial”. The third follow-up question, “Any comments?”, had a free-text response where the physician could explain why the readmission was partially related to the prior discharge or why the readmission was partially preventable.

To collect NYUTron’s predictions, we used the text classification pipeline from HuggingFace to perform inference on the 20 discharge notes. For each discharge note, the pipeline output a predicted probability for readmission. We converted this predicted probability to a binary label with a threshold of 0.07 (a predicted probability no less than 0.07 was converted to a positive label). We chose 0.07 as the decision boundary because it was the minimum threshold that gave us above 80% validation recall among the thresholds {0.01 × n : n 1, …, 90 (the 80% criterion was chosen on the basis of clinical applicability). See Extended Data Fig. 8c for NYUTron’s calibration curve.

Comparison with other language models

Discharge notes + other LLMs for readmission prediction

The dataset, hyperparameters, and evaluation and software libraries for fine-tuning other LLMs were the same as when fine-tuning NYUTron. The pretrained LLMs were constructed as follows: random-init is a BERT-base uncased model with reset parameters. web-wiki is a BERT-base uncased model. web-wiki+bio is a dmis-lab/biobert-base cased v1.2 model. web-wiki+bio+clinical was Gatortron-og downloaded from NVIDIA NGC and converted to a HuggingFace checkpoint using convert megatron bert checkpoint.

Clinical notes + other LLMs for NER

The dataset, hyperparameters, and evaluation and software libraries for fine-tuning other LLMs were the same as for fine-tuning NYUTron. The pretrained LLMs were the same as the baseline LLMs for predicting readmission from discharge notes.

Comparison with machine learning models

LACE features + XGBoost for readmission prediction

Using the NYU Readmission–LACE dataset, we used the xgboost library to train an extreme gradient-boosted tree classifier with binary logistic loss with hyperparameter search. We used scikit-learn’s randomized search to search among minimum_child_weight from 1, 5, 10, gamma from 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5, subsample from 0.6, 0.8, 1, col_sample_bytree from 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, max_depth from 3, 4, 5, learning_rates from 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and n_estimators from 10, 100, 1000 for 100 iterations on the basis of AUROC score on the validation set37. We trained the model using subsamples (N 102, 103, 104, 105, 3.92336 × 105) of the NYU Readmission–LACE dataset and evaluated their AUROC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median AUROC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

XGBoost + TF-IDF for readmission prediction

We transformed the text from the NYU Readmission dataset into tf-idf (term frequency–inverse document frequency) embeddings and used an xgboost classifier with binary logistic loss to predict readmission. We used raytune45 to search hyperparameters, including max_tf-idf features from 512, 5000, max_depth from a quantized random integer of 3 to 16 with an interval of 4, learning_rate from a log uniform distribution from 10−2 to 10−1, gamma from a quantized uniform distribution from 0 to 12 with an interval of 4, minimum_child_weight from a quantized uniform distribution from 0 to 8 with an interval of 4, reg lambda from a quantized uniform distribution from 0 to 10 with an interval of 2, colsample_bytree from a uniform distribution from 0.7 to 1, scale pos weight from a quantized uniform distribution from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10 and n_estimator from a quantized integer distribution from 50 to 300 with an interval of 50. We trained the model using subsamples (N 102, 103, 104, 105, 3.92336 × 105) of the NYU Readmission dataset and evaluated their AUROC on the temporal test set. For each size of subsample, we ran five experiments with distinct random seeds (0, 13, 24, 36, 42). For comparison, we looked at the median AUROC and the standard deviation of the five experiments.

Comparison of multi-site pretraining and fine-tuning

We compared NYUTron with its four variants (pretrained and fine-tuned using data from different sites): (1) NYU Notes–Manhattan + NYU Readmission–Manhattan, (2) NYU Notes–Manhattan + NYU Readmission–Brooklyn, (3) NYU Notes–Brooklyn + NYU Readmission–Brooklyn and (4) NYU Notes–Brooklyn + NYU Readmission–Manhattan. The hyperparameters and evaluation and software libraries for fine-tuning NYUTron variants were the same as for fine-tuning NYUTron.

Analysis of prospective performance

On the basis of the temporal test performance in the retrospective study, we selected a fine-tuned model with a decision threshold of 0.07 for use in the prospective trial.

Comparison of mortality rate and LOS

To assess the condition of the readmitted patients who were correctly predicted (n = 3,298), we compared their in-hospital mortality rate and length of hospitalization with that of patients who were admitted in the same period. We collected data on patients who were admitted from February to May 2022 (n = 30,548) and compared their in-hospital mortality rate and LOS with that of the readmitted patients caught by NYUTron from January to April 2022. We used two-sided Welch’s t tests (with the null hypothesis that the two groups had the same average) to assess the statistical significance of our comparison46.

Assessing NYUTron’s clinical impacts with physician review

We performed a post hoc analysis of readmitted patients in the prospective cohort to better understand model performance in a real-world environment and in anticipation of creating targeted interventions based on model outputs. One hundred readmitted patients were sampled from the five largest departments at NYU Langone by patient volume: internal medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, and haematology and oncology. Each department contributed 20 cases, with 10 cases having the highest predicted probabilities in that department and 10 cases having the lowest predicted probabilities. All cases had their encounter IDs logged for their index discharge and readmission on a secure online platform. A standardized questionnaire was constructed for manual review asking whether the readmission was planned, whether the readmission met CMS criteria for a penalized 30-day readmission, whether the readmission was preventable, whether an adverse event occurred on readmission, whether any adverse events were preventable and whether the reviewing physicians had any comments on the case. A team of ten physicians from internal medicine and neurosurgery were randomly assigned cases to be reviewed in pairs, with any disagreement between the reviewers adjudicated by a third physician reviewer. To determine whether a readmission was preventable, the reviewer looked at the discharge note of the inference encounter and the H&P note of the readmission encounter.

Ethical approval

Our research was approved by the NYU Langone institutional review board as ‘s21-01189 NYUtron’, and the methods were carried out in accordance with the institutional review board’s relevant guidelines and regulations.

Reporting summary

Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.


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