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Texas A&M University Mays Business School and Humana Launch Annual Nationwide Healthcare Analytics Case Competition

Texas A&M University Mays Business School and Humana Launch Annual Nationwide Healthcare Analytics Case Competition

Texas A&M University’s Mays Business School and Humana Inc. have launched the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition. This nationwide competition, now in its eighth year, offers master’s students from AACSB-accredited programs a chance to tackle real-world healthcare business problems. Teams of 2-4 students compete for a total prize package of $90,000, with the first-place team winning $50,000.

The virtual competition is open to all U.S. accredited institutions and focuses on showcasing students’ analytical talents. Judging criteria include quantitative analysis, professionalism, data visualization, and the ability to provide meaningful recommendations. Key dates include team registration by September 27, with final presentations and winners announced on November 14.

La Mays Business School della Texas A&M University e Humana Inc. hanno lanciato la 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition. Questa competizione nazionale, giunta alla sua ottava edizione, offre agli studenti di master provenienti da programmi accreditati dall’AACSB l’opportunità di affrontare problemi reali del settore sanitario. Team di 2-4 studenti competono per un montepremi totale di $90.000, con il team vincitore che porta a casa $50.000.

La competizione virtuale è aperta a tutte le istituzioni accreditate negli Stati Uniti e si concentra sulla valorizzazione dei talenti analitici degli studenti. I criteri di valutazione includono analisi quantitativa, professionalità, visualizzazione dei dati e capacità di fornire raccomandazioni significative. Le date chiave includono la registrazione dei team entro il 27 settembre, con le presentazioni finali e la proclamazione dei vincitori che avverranno il 14 novembre.

La Mays Business School de la Universidad Texas A&M y Humana Inc. han lanzado la 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition. Esta competencia nacional, que se encuentra en su octavo año, ofrece a estudiantes de maestría de programas acreditados por la AACSB la oportunidad de abordar problemas reales del negocio de la salud. Equipos de 2-4 estudiantes compiten por un premio total de $90,000, siendo el equipo ganador el que obtenga $50,000.

La competencia virtual está abierta a todas las instituciones acreditadas de EE. UU. y se centra en mostrar los talentos analíticos de los estudiantes. Los criterios de evaluación incluyen análisis cuantitativo, profesionalismo, visualización de datos y la capacidad de proporcionar recomendaciones significativas. Las fechas clave incluyen el registro de equipos hasta el 27 de septiembre, con presentaciones finales y anuncio de ganadores el 14 de noviembre.

텍사스 A&M 대학교의 메이스 비즈니스 스쿨과 휴마나 주식회사가 2024 휴마나-메이스 헬스케어 분석 케이스 경진대회를 시작했습니다. 이 전국 대회는 이제 8년 차로, AACSB 인증 프로그램의 석사 학생들에게 실제 의료 비즈니스 문제를 해결할 기회를 제공합니다. 2-4명의 학생으로 구성된 팀이 총상금 $90,000을 놓고 경쟁하며, 1위 팀은 $50,000을 수상합니다.

가상 대회는 모든 미국 인증 기관에 열려 있으며 학생들의 분석 능력을 보여주는 데 집중합니다. 심사 기준에는 정량적 분석, 전문성, 데이터 시각화 및 의미 있는 추천을 제공하는 능력이 포함됩니다. 주요 날짜에는 9월 27일까지 팀 등록과 11월 14일 최종 발표 및 수상자가 발표됩니다.

La Mays Business School de l’Université Texas A&M et Humana Inc. ont lancé la compétition 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition. Cette compétition nationale, qui en est à sa huitième année, offre aux étudiants des programmes de master accrédités par l’AACSB la possibilité de s’attaquer à de réels problèmes commerciaux dans le domaine de la santé. Des équipes de 2 à 4 étudiants concourent pour un montant total de 90 000 $, l’équipe gagnante remportant 50 000 $.

La compétition virtuelle est ouverte à toutes les institutions accréditées aux États-Unis et met l’accent sur la démonstration des talents analytiques des étudiants. Les critères de jugement incluent l’analyse quantitative, le professionnalisme, la visualisation des données et la capacité à fournir des recommandations significatives. Les dates clés incluent l’inscription des équipes avant le 27 septembre, avec les présentations finales et l’annonce des gagnants le 14 novembre.

Die Mays Business School der Texas A&M University und Humana Inc. haben den 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition ins Leben gerufen. Dieser nationale Wettbewerb, der nun im achten Jahr stattfindet, bietet Masterstudenten aus AACSB-akkreditierten Programmen die Möglichkeit, reale Probleme im Gesundheitswesen zu lösen. Teams bestehend aus 2-4 Studenten konkurrieren um ein Gesamtpreisgeld von 90.000 USD, wobei das erste Team 50.000 USD gewinnt.

Der virtuelle Wettbewerb steht allen akkreditierten Institutionen in den USA offen und legt den Fokus auf die Präsentation der analytischen Fähigkeiten der Studenten. Die Bewertungsriterien umfassen quantitative Analyse, Professionalität, Datenvisualisierung und die Fähigkeit, sinnvolle Empfehlungen zu geben. Wichtige Termine sind die Teamregistrierung bis zum 27. September, mit den Abschlusspräsentationen und der Bekanntgabe der Gewinner am 14. November.


  • Partnership with a major healthcare company (Humana) provides real-world business problem exposure

  • Substantial prize money ($90,000 total) may attract top talent and increase competition quality

  • Virtual format allows for nationwide participation, potentially increasing diversity of ideas

Mays Business School at Texas A&M University and leading health and well-being company Humana Inc. have kicked off the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition. The competition – in its eighth year – is a chance for students to showcase their analytical talents as they solve a real-world business problem. The prize package for the winning teams is $90,000, with $50,000 for first place, $20,000 for second place, $10,000 for third place and $5,000 each for fourth and fifth places.

Held virtually, the competition is open to all accredited educational institutions based in the United States. Full-time and part-time master’s students from AACSB accredited Master of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Information Systems, Master of Public Health, Master of Business Administration programs, or other similar master’s programs in business, healthcare, or analytics, are eligible to enter. Students are invited to create teams of two to four students from the same university to work through and develop a solution to a real-world business problem.

“We are proud to once again partner with Humana to provide the premier healthcare analytics case competition in the nation,” said Mays Business School Dean Nate Sharp. “This competition highlights the opportunity business leaders have to advance ideas, create solutions, and build a better future in healthcare. The vision for this competition aligns perfectly with our vision at Mays Business School: building a better future through business.”

“The evolution of technology in the healthcare industry has led to a dramatic shift in how we care for the populations we serve. By incorporating sophisticated data-driven strategies, we are able to improve quality and equity of care, resulting in better overall health outcomes,” said Humana Vice President of HQRI Technology and Analytics Scott Bagley, PhD. Bagley, a Texas A&M alumnus, who has served as a Case Competition Finalist Judge, added “This competition is important because it offers students from across the nation a creative space outside of the classroom in which they can contribute new perspectives and solutions to a real-world problem not found in textbooks, and this fosters growth and innovation.”

Teams are judged on the following criteria:

  1. Quantitative analysis identifying key business insights
  2. Professionalism, data visualization, and presentation skills
  3. Ability to provide meaningful implications and recommendations based on results/insights

Key dates for 2024:

  • September 27: Team registration due by 11:59 PM (CST)
  • October 1: Virtual Q&A session with competition leadership
  • October 11: Submissions for Round One due and Top 50 Teams moving to Round 2 be announced
  • October 20: Submissions for Round Two due
  • November 1: Top 5 Finalists advancing to Round Three announced
  • November 14: Virtual presentations and winners announced

Top winners from previous years include Syracuse University (2023), UCLA (2022), Georgia Tech (2021); The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (2020); University of California, Los Angeles (2018 & 2019); and Purdue University (2017).

See Official Rules and Guidelines for more information.

About Mays Business School

At Mays Business School, our vision is to build a better future through business. By providing leadership-centered, experiential education to more than 6,400 undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students in accounting, finance, management, management information systems, marketing, and supply chain management, Mays consistently ranks among the top public business schools for its programs and faculty research. Our mission is to develop leaders of character who make a positive difference in the communities where they live, work, and serve.

About Humana

Humana Inc. is committed to putting health first – for our teammates, our customers, and our company. Through our Humana insurance services, and our CenterWell health care services, we make it easier for the millions of people we serve to achieve their best health – delivering the care and service they need, when they need it. These efforts are leading to a better quality of life for people with Medicare, Medicaid, families, individuals, military service personnel, and communities at large. Learn more about what we offer at and at

Brooke Perry

Mays Business School, Texas A&M University

Marketing and Communications

[email protected]

Lisa Dimond


Corporate Communications

[email protected]

Source: Humana Inc.


What is the total prize money for the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition?

The total prize package for the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition is $90,000, with $50,000 for first place, $20,000 for second place, $10,000 for third place, and $5,000 each for fourth and fifth places.

Who is eligible to participate in the Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition?

Full-time and part-time master’s students from AACSB accredited programs in business, healthcare, or analytics at accredited educational institutions based in the United States are eligible to participate. Teams must consist of 2-4 students from the same university.

When is the deadline for team registration for the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition?

The deadline for team registration for the 2024 Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition is September 27, 2023, by 11:59 PM (CST).

What are the judging criteria for the Humana-Mays Healthcare Analytics Case Competition?

The judging criteria for the competition include quantitative analysis identifying key business insights, professionalism, data visualization, presentation skills, and the ability to provide meaningful implications and recommendations based on results/insights.


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