Nordic to leverage deep health IT operations expertise to consult on and implement CHA's predictive analytics platform to streamline clinical...
Nordic to leverage deep health IT operations expertise to consult on and implement CHA's predictive analytics platform to streamline clinical...
The Information Services Internship program offers motivated individuals an opportunity to spend a summer placement within St. Jude’s information technology department at St....
PALO ALTO, CA--(Marketwired - Feb 25, 2014) - HP (NYSE: HPQ) -- HP Autonomy today announced a new self-service analytics...
Suleimenov IE, Vitulyova YS, Bakirov AS, Gabrielyan OA. Artificial Intelligence:what is it? Proc 2020 6th Int Conf Comput Technol Appl....
Yu, K.-H., Beam, A. L. & Kohane, I. S. Artificial intelligence in healthcare. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2, 719–731. (2018).Article PubMed ...